The crew of the Christian Go Against the Tide TV welcomed Mike Pence, Vice President of the free world, with all due respect. He visited Warsaw to take part in the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War Two. Photos showing our #PolandStandsWithUSA banner went around the world. See which media noticed the voice of Free Poles!
Photos from our campaign were shown by the American daily Wall Street Journal, Daily Mail, a British newspaper, Star and Stripes, an American military magazine.
The photos from the #PolandStandsWithUSA campaign were also published by the American photographic agency Getty Images:
As well as those in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia and Lithuania, the Chinese Republic and Colombia.
We regret to say that the Law and Justice government discriminated our editorial team by not accrediting us for the press conference accompanying the official visit of the US Vice President in Poland. We were treated in the same despicable way during the Middle East Conference held in Warsaw in February this year.
Poles who were welcoming Vice President Mike Pence were very interested in our leaflets about the Polish-American friendship. We managed to give away a few thousands of them. See the contents of the leaflet.
Our banners were a dominant part of the graphic setting in the crowd!
We also had a chance to see a friendly response to our #PolandStandsWithUSA banners from Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence:
What’s more, we managed to interview Edward Mosberg, a 93-year-old Polsih Jew who survived the Holocaust, who was President Trump’s guest several times.
EDWARD MOSBERG W IDŹ POD PRĄD! 93-letni polski Żyd ocalały z Holocaustu był na obchodach 80. rocznicy wybuchu II wojny…
United States VP Mike Pence gave a heartfelt speech at Piłsudski Square, during the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of WWII but Poles had to wait over 48 hours before they could read the full Polish version.
Neither the public Polish Press Agency nor any Polish media outlets that were given press accreditation to cover the VP’s visit to Poland felt obligated to provide the Poles with the full written speech translated into Polish. Moreover, unlike during the speech by the German president, Mr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, no written translation subtitles of VP Pence’s speech appeared on the screens at the event.
A full written speech of the German president was published on the official website of the President of Poland, within few hours after the ceremony on September 1st. However, the speech of the Vice-President of USA wasn’t published until September 3rd. We brought this issue to the public attention on Monday, September 2nd, during our daily live show, and the next day provided a translation of the entire VP’s speech, both in audio and full-text formats.
Only then, on 3rd of September, the office of the President of Poland followed suite and published their own version, knowingly antedating it as September 1st, 2019. Interestingly, the official translation features words and phrases, which the VP did not utter, and some of his words have been omitted.
Our television Idź Pod Prąd – Against The Tide was (as always) denied accreditation to the VP’s Monday visit, due to “large interest and limited space”.
Join our campaign #PolandStandsWithUSA to show support for the USA, President Donald Trump, and his administration.
WATCH the Vice President and Second Lady’s reaction, as they were greeted by our patriotic club members and Against the Tide editorial team, outside their hotel in Warsaw.
– We always need to remind the world that Germans are responsible for all of it – says Edward Mosberg, a 93-year-old Polish American Jewish Holocaust survivor in an interview with Against the Tide TV During the 80th anniversary of the start of WWII.
Mr. Mosberg is a well known Jewish Polish American Holocaust survivor born in Krakow, Poland. He was honored with the Order of Merit from the Republic of Poland, given to foreigners and Polish citizens residing abroad who have made an outstanding contribution to international cooperation and cooperation connecting the Republic of Poland with other states and nations.
He has survived the Plaszow and KL Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camps and lost most of his family; grandparents in Belzec and his mother and sisters in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Mosberg passing the torch of Holocaust memory to his grand-daughter
Mosberg dismantled the ongoing smear of Poland as an antisemitic country. “Poland is a friend of Jews. Here a Jew can walk around with a kippah on his head and no one will say anything to him. Had he done the same in Germany or France, he would have been murdered or at least beaten.”
Poland has more than a thousand years of joint Polish-Jewish history. Moses Isserles a prominent Jewish Rabbi of the 17th century even coined the term “Paradisus Iudaeorum” Jewish Heaven and said that “if God hadn’t given the Jews Poland as a shelter, the Israel’s lot would have been unbearable.”
“I wasn’t a witness of what happened a thousand years ago but what I did see is that the life of Jews in Poland many many years before the war was very good. But then came the war and this war started by the Germans. And the first concentration camp in Poland in Stutthof was built for Poles. Germans are the ones who created the death camps, out of their own initiative. We have to remember one thing there were no concentration camps built by the Poles. All of this was built by Germans. We need to keep reminding the world that the Germans are responsible for all of it.”
Mosberg is a very good friend of the current President of USA Mr. Donald Trump. He has known him from before the presidency and thinks that Mr. Trump is a friend of Poland and Israel.
Mosberg and Trump
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Full transcript of the interview:
I.B.: Good afternoon to you, Sir.
E.M.: I can say one thing: Poland is a friend of Jews. OK? A Jew might walk around here with a yarmulka on his head and no one will say anything to him. The same Jew in Germany or France would be beaten if not killed. That’s the best proof that Poland is a friend of Jews. Except for Jews who create antisemitism themselves, such as a certain Israel Katz, a minister in the Israeli government. He said that when a Catholic mother has a baby and breastfeeds it, she instills antisemitism in the baby.
I.B.: I think he meant a Polish mother.
E.M.: It’s a shame and a disgrace for a man with such a position to voice such opinions.
I.B.: Could you tell us more about the decorations we can see on your bosom? What are they? I know you have been decorated with medals. Could tell us more about yourself? I know you come from Poland and live in the USA. Is that right?
E.M.: I was born in Cracow and during the war, I was imprisoned in several concentration camps. I was in the Mauthausen concentration camp which I think was the worst of all the camps. Once some Warsaw insurgents were brought there and those young people didn’t know how to behave. It was quite a new experience for them. One day four Germans wanted to kill me, and they were beating me. One of those insurgents came up and saved my life. I say that again and again so that people know that even in such a place somebody who knew I was a Jew tried to save my life.
I.B.: We also often say that Poland shares its history with Israel and Jews for much longer than a century. There have been a thousand years of coexistence which is not talked about when we’re visited by both young and adult Jews. They’re told about the 100 years of Polish history when Poland didn’t exist. What can you tell us about these 1000 years of shared history? E.M.: I might not know what it was like a thousand years ago but I know that long before the war Jews had a good life here. But then there was a war waged by Germans who conquered the whole of Poland. The Stutthof concentration camp, not sure if you know but it was the first concentration camp in Poland, it was dedicated solely for Poles. The first such a camp on the Polish territory and it was meant for Polish people from the Pomeranian county. Apart from that Germans built other concentration camps, extermination camps and they did it all out of their own initiative. We must remember that there were no concentration camps built by Poles. All those death camps were built by Germans. We must always repeat that Germans are guilty of everything.
I.B.: I was going to ask you about that. Germany’s Foreign Affairs Minister Heiko Maas said that the issue of the Second World War reparations for Poles is already closed. He said that Poland shouldn’t get any reparations. How would you comment on the statement that Germany shouldn’t pay any war reparations?
E.M.: In my opinion, Germany should pay reparations to Poland as long as Germany exists. It was them who did it and it was Poles who suffered. It was Germans who made all the camps here and the museum camps that are still here should be maintained by Germans. Germans did it so Poland shouldn’t pay for maintaining the camps now. It should be all paid for by Germans. They should pay for everything. Germans should pay just as they pay compensation to the Jews. Those Jews were Polish citizens. I’m a Polish citizen. I’ve got Polish citizenship. I even carry my ID card so that everyone could know I’m not ashamed of it. This is my passport.
I.B.: You support Donald Trump. We also support him. Why as a Pole do you support Donald Trump and why Polish people should be happy that Donald Trump is the President of the USA and the fact that he’s likely to stay president after the 2020 election?
E.M.: Why do I support him? I’ve met him many times, even before he became president and I think he’s a friend of Poles. He’s a friend of Israel. He’s a friend of Jews. They have to change the government, I mean the American government. Otherwise, their government will be a communist one and we in Poland know what life was like under communists. There are people who want to introduce communism in the USA. A lot of people died during the war and communism didn’t succeed anywhere as people wanted to live a free life. Communism only took from them without giving them anything. I repeatedly say that everywhere: communism shouldn’t be allowed in the USA. Communists here swore to provide people with everything but they only knew how to take everything away from them and not give anything. I know what communism is. I think that if Americans love their nation, they should, whether they like it or not, choose Trump for president. They shouldn’t let communism into their country. There is a Congressmen in America named Bernie Sanders. He claims to be a socialist. I think he’s a communist. That’s why I always say: America shouldn’t allow communism into their country.
I.B.: There shouldn’t be communism in Poland either.
E.M.: Poles have had their fair share of communism and they’ve understood that communism doesn’t work well. Communists knew how to take away without giving back. I always say, wherever I can, that there shouldn’t be any communism in America.
I.B.: Thank you so much for the interview. I gather you’re an American, as you live in the US, right?
E.M.: I’ve got Polish and American citizenship.
I.B.: I hope Donald Trump will be re-elected and will keep making America great.
E.M.: This way he’ll be a friend of the Poles as well.
Two years ago, during his visit to Poland President Donald Trump said, “On both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger – one firmly within our control. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people. The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies. … We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives.”
„We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. (Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)
For hundreds of years Polish people have prided themselves on their passion for freedom. We are famous throughout the whole world on the account of our steadfast struggle for freedom, often despite hopeless circumstances. Americans have the same characteristics. They desired freedom and stood up to the fight for independence (in 1775) in humanly hopeless circumstances. Until today proud generations of Americans are raised in consciousness of the high price of freedom. They proudly call their country, “Land of the free and the home of the brave.” Yearly, Americans remember the Poles, who stood by them in the fight for freedom – Kościuszko and Pułaski are but the most famous of our shared heroes.
#2 Alliance with America built on Biblical foundations is the only way for us to preserve freedom, independence, and Christian heritage.
Both our nations love freedom because they know that it comes from God. Americans are aware that it is God who gives success, happiness, wealth, and fulfillment of one’s dreams.
The motto, “In God We Trust” is with them every step of the way. Our ancestors at Grunwald, Moscow, Vienna, and Warsaw in 1920 remembered that God is the One who leads to victory. Today, there is a growing trend – especially in Europe – to eliminate God and the Bible from the public space. Poles and Americans can unite their efforts and put a halt to this tendency. We have already experienced firsthand a world without God, in the form of both German Nazism and Russian communism. Today, a choice of right standards and civilizational alliances is critical to Poland’s future. We are threatened by the domination of atheistic European Union on the one side and totalitarian communist China and Russia on the other.
#3 Without Poland the USA will lose Europe as its ally.
„I would describe Poland as currently the second-most important partner [for the US] after Britain” – Nile Gardiner of Heritage Foundation in Washington.
Due to the expansion of communist China, America is increasingly isolated in the world. Germany under Merkel’s government is building “united Europe” following the example of Hitler and wants to push the United States out of the continent. In this part of Europe, America has no better ally than Poland, where nearly 80% of citizens have positive attitude towards the USA (“Future of Europe”, European Commission, 2017).
The occupation by communist Russia left many relicts of socialism in our country and our society. They are present in our mentality, our judicial system, our constitution, administration, and customs. As President Donald Trump rightly observed, socialist bureaucracy “drains the vitality and wealth of the people.” Many millions of Poles wandered beyond the Ocean to reach the land of freedom, where one achieves happiness and wealth through self-determination and God’s blessing and not thanks to whims of the government or an official. Today, once again President Trump invites the Polish people to strengthen
the friendship between our nations. Thus we are given a unique chance in history to not only look with longing onto America as the land of freedom, but to use her inspiration and assistance to build such a country here on the Vistula River. Make Poland Great Again! Keep America Great! May God bless Poland and America!
Don’t think that what you do is irrelevant. The strength of America began when common farmers believed that they could change history! #ChooseFreedom and join the campaign of the Go Against the Tide TV #PolandStandsWithUSA.
LEAFLET FOR PRINTING (.pdf, A4 folded to A5, bleed 2mm): pages 2 and 3
We have launched a fundraiser to establish the first Christian university in Poland. This caused great excitement among evangelical Christians. During the time of the Reformation, John à Lasco (1499–1560), the only Pole honored at the Geneva Reformation Wall Monument, had such plans but was unable to fulfill them.
On July 1, Canada Day, we started a weekly news service in English and French presented by a young Polish lady born in Canada. The goal of this project is to inform the Western societies about the situation in Poland. Often, information about Poland is absent, misleading or incomplete in English-language services. A pro-China stance of the allegedly conservative government of Law and Justice is a good example.
On the Independence Day in the United States, July 4, we recorded special greetings for Americans. They have reached the White House. See the clip with English captions.
During their vacations a number of teenage apprentices joined our editorial team. It resulted in new media productions, such as this moving clip commemorating the resistance fighters of the Warsaw Uprising.
With their help we started IPP KIDS, a program for children both in Poland and among Polish diaspora around the world. The participants honored the memory of the resistance fighters of Warsaw with art works.
Throughout July, we were faithfully supporting the Hong Kong protesters and those persecuted for their faith in Christ in China. We recorded a few interviews with Chapman Chen, Hong Kong journalist, and Pastor Bob Kraft. The latter gave an amazing testimony of how important our help for Hong Kong in the form of the #FreeHongKong campaign is.
On July 21, we got involved in the international protest #StandWithUighurs #WhiteBlue19, to stand up for the persecuted Uighurs. According to the UN estimates there are as many as 3 million Uighurs imprisoned in concentration camps in communist China.
The London Club of our TV did an interview with Jack Fairweather, a Briton and author of the book “The Volunteer” about Captain Witold Pilecki, who voluntarily went to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he organized a resistance movement. See the interview in Polish and English versions.
This month, we stepped up our collaboration with the John Birch Society and Prager University. Two interviews with Dennis Prager as well as lectures by Art Thompson (part 1 and part 2) and Martin Ohlson of the JBS are available on our channel.
Also on our channel you may find a video report of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Go Against the Tide Clubs titled “Choose Freedom!” with English captions.
Also, we were able to talk with Andrew Tucker, legal counsel to the European Coalition for Israel, about the reasons why it is important to support Israel and how to solve the conflict with the Palestinians.
The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured China of its openness regarding the participation of Huawei in building the 5G network in Poland. A document was prepared by the ministry and given to key decision makers including Polish President Andrzej Duda before talks with the Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi who visited Poland at the beginning of July.
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, a daily Polish newspaper, quoted the document. „In July, the Ministry of Digital Affairs will complete the analysis of security issues related to 5G technology, and findings will be forwarded to the European Commission. The Ministry analysis will not recommend discriminatory actions towards individual entities or countries, but it will propose the formulation of general criteria for the involvement of foreign companies on the Polish 5G market”.
As the press office of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed, the possibilities of cooperation with Huawei were also discussed during the meeting between Chinese and Polish foreign affairs ministers, Wang Yi and Jacek Czaputowicz.
A source close to Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the polish newspaper, that the change in the approach to Huawei comes as a result of the US easing its approach towards the company.
However, even though the Trump administration decided to ease sanctions imposed on Huawei, the company remains on a blacklist.
This decision taken by the Law and Justice government coincides with the approach presented at the end of 2018 by Krzysztof Szczerski, head of the cabinet of Polish President Andrzej Duda. In an interview for the Polish weekly „Do Rzeczy”, when asked about how the Polish side should behave towards the tense situation between the US and China, he stated: „In this conflict, we do not have to, or even we shouldn’t take sides.”
Despite the US warnings against Huawei, the Polish government seems to be willing to cooperate with Huawei in building the 5G network in Poland.
We asked people if they think that the current ruling Law and Justice party, is an anti-communist party. We also asked them whether or not the government’s cooperation with Huawei, a Chinese communist company, was a danger to Poland. Here is one answer.
The hashtag campaign #FreeHongKong, initiated by Go Against the Tide spread on the streets on Hong Kong and unified millions of residents into a movement with a clear goal – a change of system. That’s the fundamental difference between the current protests and those of 2014.
In a special interview with Go Against the Tide Live, pastor Bob Kraft described what is happening in Hong Kong. According to the pastor, the events currently taking place on the streets of Hong Kong and the way the situation is developing is, to a large extent, due to the slogan and online campaign #FreeHongKong, which was launched by Go Against the Tide Tv.
“I really want to say thank you to your viewership. It’s very important that I tell you this. Something happened, that you did, that I consider a miracle. And I would like to share with you something you did that I think, had a profound impact on Hong Kong. You started a campaign called #FreeHongKong. Once you started to say that, you’re the first that I’ve heard say that, and then I started to also put in on my Facebook posts and the world media, the local media, then started to use it. Talking about the movement, they would say #FreeHongKong or Free Hong Kong.
And then the world media picked it up. I saw that in Canada. I saw it in Australia. To me, that’s a miracle.
Now before I tell you why I wanted to share with you and say thank you to your audience and your supporters, I want to explain what happened before. Before, people would talk about law. They would say the law was not correct. And they would say the leader of communist Hong Kong was not a good leader. But I knew, under communism, you just change the leader. You know, the leaders change. So, I knew what they were saying, the local people were saying was really not a good argument. It was an argument that had not solution. But that’s what they were saying.
So, one week ago, I went to a protest. It was the night they went to the police station. I was there that night with them. And they wrote things on the police station. It was all night. That night, they also had another protest. And I heard 10 000 people saying in unison over and over “Free Hong Kong”, “Free Hong Kong”.
I’ve never heard that before. And to see and to hear 10 000 people saying that all at the same time over and over, that’s why I wanted to come on and I wanted to say thank you to you. So, last night during the protest, when they went to the Legislative Council, they were actually writing on the wall and they had signs outside the building and inside the building that said ‘’Free Hong Kong’’. And there’s a big difference between that and arguing about a law or a leader. It’s the change of the system.
Below is the entire program Go Against the Tide Live, in which Bob Kraft, editor Hanna Shen, and pastor Paweł Chojecki analyze the events in Hong Kong.
God has greatly blessed the Fifth Annual Conference of the Go Against the Tide Clubs. It was a wonderful experience of brotherhood and mutual encouragement by freedom-loving people. We had the privilege to host the amazing, world-famous fighters against communism and globalism: Arthur Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society, world’s largest anticommunist organization, Martin Ohlson, president of the JBS and development manager, and Hanna Shen, journalist and correspondent of the Go Against the Tide TV in Taiwan. During the conference, we also had a live audio streaming with Jadwiga Chmielowska, an opposition activist during the communist era, and today, the secretary general of the Polish Journalists Association. Dennis Prager, president of Prager University, had a special message for the participants of the conference. He also gave an interview for our TV at the European Parliament.
The second screening of the movie, “Letter from Masanjia” (Leon Lee), in Poland took place during the conference. It tells the story of a man, who was imprisoned and brutally tortured in communist China, yet he did not give up his dream of freedom. Screenings of the documentary are being held all over Poland by the Go Against the Tide TV clubs.
Recently, Hanna Shen appeared in the main programs on Polish Television and Polish Radio. Also, Andrzej Turczyn, attorney, vice-president of the November 11 Movement, and commentator on the Go Against the Tide TV, was quoted in the mainstream media in connection with his campaign, “Guns Save Lives,” including quotes from President Donald Trump.
Our clip, # FreeHongKong has already reached Asia. The largest media corporations in Hong Kong thanked us for the support in their fight for freedom. American pastor, Bob Kraft, who lives in Hong Kong also thanked us for promoting the campaign. #FreeHongKong is now the primary motto of the protesters! Our club members also joined a demonstration by citizens of Hong Kong that took place in Warsaw. Posters created by a graphic designer who works with us became very popular.
On the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre we were the only ones to demonstrate in front of the embassy of communist China in Warsaw, the consulate in Gdańsk, and Tiananmen victims’ monument in Wrocław. Also, our clubs in Chicago and London were involved in the commemoration of the anniversary.
Also in June, we gave support to the pursuit of freedom by Georgians, who oppose the occupation of 20% of their territory by Russia and their political life being dominated by Russian undercover agents. We have initiated the action, #FreeGeorgia #RussiaGoHome, on social media.
The sovereignty of Poland has been seriously jeopardized by the European Court of Justice that denied us the right to determine the retirement age of our judges. Consequently, we initiated a discussion about Poland’s exit from the European Union, #PolExit.
Since the summer vacation began we have a few new volunteers working at our studio. They started a series of programs for the youth. The Freedom Project Academy sharing their animations about Polish heroes is a great encouragement for us. Thanks to the courtesy of Dr. Duke Pesta, we published a video-clip about King John III Sobieski with Polish dubbing.
Małgorzata Kubicka and Kornelia Chojecka of our editorial team had a presentation at the best high school in Lublin on education in the USA. In particular, they emphasized Liberty University, where Kornelia gave a lecture last fall. The students responded with deep interest!
Another musical talent joined our team. Wasces returned to rap after fifteen years. He could not keep quiet about pedophilia in the Catholic Church and the hypocrisy of bishops covering up these crimes. His rap has already been viewed by tens of thousands of users.
Małgorzata Gazda, member of our editorial team, has concluded her doctoral dissertation. Her capstone project was a book titled, “A Controversy About the ‘Signature in the Cell.’” It was issued as a scientific book in the Library of Philosophical Aspects of Genesis at the University of Zielona Góra.
Liberty is a value to be learned. It is a task and an ambition of those gathered around the Idź Pod Prąd TV to awaken the longing for freedom in Poles. On June 20-23, the 5th Idź Pod Prąd Conference took place under the slogan CHOOSE LIBERTY! Our special guests were: Arthur Thompson, the CEO of The John Birch Society, the largest anti-communist organization in the world and Martin Ohlson, the President of The John Birch Society and Director of Development. We also had Hanna Shen, the correspondent of IPP TV in Taiwan. A special message to the participants of the meeting was delivered by Dennis Prager.
Liberty is not a natural state for a human being. It is natural and easy to choose being taken care of – by a feudal lord in the past and by the government today. Liberty comes with responsibility and not everyone is ready for it. This is what leftist forces prey on, offering people a welfare state and numerous “500+” programmes. However, this leads to an inevitable exploitation, poverty and ever greater control from the state.
The Idź Pod Prąd in Lublin gathered those who consciously chose liberty and responsibility for themselves and their homeland – patriots from the United States, Canada, Taiwan and of course Poland. As Arthur Thompson, the head of the world’s largest anti-communist organization, the John Birch Society, said: „We must give people hope!” Dennis Prager added: „Freedom is a value to be learned.”
“It is a task and an ambition of those gathered around the Idź Pod Prąd TV to awaken the longing for freedom in Poles,” pastor Paweł Chojecki, editor-in-chief of IPP TV, concluded.
The guests from the USA took part in the programmes of Idź Pod Prąd TV.
During the Conference we had an opportunity to listen to Andrzej Turczyn’s lecture on the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, and Hanna Shen’s lecture on the Chinese threat in Poland.
One of the guests in the Patriots’ Time Special „Where is Poland going? Where is the world going?” was Jadwiga Chmielowska, General Secretary of the Association of Polish Journalists, an oppositionist in the times of the Polish People’s Republic. We also listened to the message from pastor Bob Kraft from Hong Kong.
During the Conference, a screening of the film „Letter from Masanjia” took place. The movie presents the story of a man who, imprisoned and brutally tortured in communist China, did not give up the dream of freedom. Screenings of this document will soon be organized by IPP TV clubs in Poland.
The participants of the Conference expressed their support for free Hongkong.
During the Conference we watched a show by the reconstruction group „Studs from the Historical Association of Fifth Division of the National Forces of the Lublin Voivodship „.
The Conference was graced with a concert by Jaromi, a bluesman who presented some of his songs in a special arrangement with the participation of the protagonists of the IPP TV miniseries „Pork Lane”.
It was great to meet in such a large group of patriots who share similar values. This Conference was the voice of FREE PEOPLE. Thank you all for the great time. See you later!
– Where do you go to get wisdom if Bible is not your basic book? – asks Dennis Prager, founder of Prager University in an interview with Ivan Belostenko, live from the EU parliament for Against the Tide TV.
“My grandparent’s parents came from the Russian-Polish area. I don’t know exactly where but I’ve been to Poland a number of times and I loved every visit.
Prager talked about the importance of freedom but stressed that it is not a natural human instinct to long for one and is rather a value we learn to appreciate and cherish. “The USA was founded on a principle that I wish were universal but is particular in America and it is called limited government. Because America’s motto is liberty, not liberty and equality. Yes equality before the law, equality before God but not equality of results.
Freedom is the great American contribution. The founders believed God wants us to be free, which is almost unique in religious history. So this is in jeopardy.
“Freedom is not a human instinct, to be taking care of is a human instinct. Freedom is a value, not an instinct.”
We’ve asked Prager if a country can keep it’s 1st amendment rights for long when they don’t have their 2nd amendment rights? “I can only say this, as a Jew, I wish all the Jews of Europe (during the times of the holocaust) had a gun. Many would have been murdered but they still would have died with dignity. By taking a Nazi with them.”
Should Poland ally with globalist countries like Russia, China, France, Germany, and their allies or with the USA and its allied countries who value freedoms and sovereignty? “Poland should do what is right. What is right in my belief is to be free. I want Poland to be Polish. When you lose your national identity goodness doesn’t follow.
Nationalism can be used for evil and can be used for good. It is just like war. There are noble and evil wars. The idea that nationalism is evil is stupid, I’m sorry I have no other word. There is a beautiful nationalism and there is an ugly nationalism. There is a beautiful use of a gun and there is an ugly use of a gun.
A surgeon uses a knife and a mass murderer uses a knife. Knives aren’t good or bad. Nationalism isn’t good or bad. It can be good if the values behind nationalism are good it is a noble idea. I don’t want everybody just to be human beings. 6-7 billion people with only one identity that they are biological people, that they are homo-sapiens, that is not my dream.”