Materials falsifying the history of Poland were presented at the World Holocaust Forum. The contribution of Poland and Poles in the fight against Nazi Germany was completely omitted. In addition, although there were no Polish anti-Semitic events on the maps displayed, snapshots of the Independence Day of Poland were shown during the film about the revival of anti-Semitism in Europe. The event is not anti-Semitic in any way. In the following material, we are analyzing Russian manipulations during the World Holocaust Forum.
WATCH an incredible short-length documentary about the real Polish-Jewish history – from the 10th century to World War II. Poles and Jews have shared over a thousand years of history. Poland was one of the most tolerant countries on Earth! That’s why people called Poland a “paradise for Jews”. (…) On September 1, 1939, Poland was attacked by Nazi Germany and on September 17 of that same year, it was attacked by Communist Russia…Â
Poles and Jews have shared over a thousand years of history. The first description of the Polish state was made by Ibrahim ibn Jakub, a Jewish merchant from Tortosa. The first mentions of Jews living in Poland come from the 11th century. They came to Poland to protect themselves from pogroms which were organized in Western Europe by participants of the Crusades.
In the 12th century, Jews exiled from Kievan Rus began to flow into Poland.
The King of Poland, Casimir III the Great is recognized as the protector of the Jews. During his time, in the 14th century, the Kingdom of Poland became a safe haven for Jews exiled from all over Europe, namely Germany, England, France and Hungary.
Before the Catholic Reformation in the 17th century, Poland was one of the most tolerant countries on Earth! It was home to one of the greatest Jewish communities in the world. That’s why people called Poland a “paradise for Jews” (Latin: paradisus judaeorum). The 16th century Polish rabbi, Moses Isserles said: “Had not the Lord left us this land as refuge, the fate of Israel would have been indeed unbearable”. In the 16th century, Jews expelled from Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic found refuge here. About 80% of all Jews living in the world lived on Polish soil. It was the main center of their culture and arts.
At the end of the 18th century, Russia, Prussia and Austria partitioned Poland and our country disappeared from the map for 123 years. The three partitioning powers, and especially the Russians, forced Jews to relocate to Poland.
We regained our independence in 1918 and by that time, Poland was inhabited by over three million Jews. It was one of the largest diasporas in the world.
🇬🇧Things you didn't know about Polish-Jewish history. From the Xth century to WW2 [ENGLISH/POLISH VERSION]Poles and Jews have shared over a thousand years of history. Poland was one of the most tolerant countries on Earth! That’s why people called Poland a "paradise for Jews". (…) On September 1, 1939, Poland was attacked by Nazi Germany and on September 17 of that same year, it was attacked by Communist Russia…—————🇵🇱"Tego nie wiedziaĹ‚eĹ› o historii polsko-ĹĽydowskiej" [POLSKO/ANGIELSKA WERSJA]Z Ĺ»ydami Ĺ‚Ä…czy PolakĂłw ponad tysiÄ…c lat wspĂłlnej historii. Polska byĹ‚a jednym z najbardziej tolerancyjnych paĹ„stw na Ĺ›wiecie! Dlatego ludzie nazywali PolskÄ™ “rajem dla Ĺ»ydĂłw”. (…) 1 wrzeĹ›nia 1939 roku Polska zostaĹ‚a zaatakowana przez nazistowskie Niemcy, a 17 wrzeĹ›nia tego samego roku przez komunistycznÄ… RosjÄ™. #Auschwitz75 #Auschwitz #WWII #ipptv
On September 1, 1939, Poland was attacked by Nazi Germany. On September 17 of that same year, it was attacked by Communist Russia. Abandoned by allied England and France, the Polish army, fighting alone, was defeated by two invaders working in concert.
Just before the attack on Poland, on August 23, 1939, Germany and Russia signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact concerning the partition of Polish lands. After a joint invasion by Germany and Russia, Poland was divided into two parts. On September 23, 1939, a joint German-Russian parade took place in then Polish Brest celebrating the victory over Poland. On September 28, 1939, a treaty on borders and friendship of the Third Reich-USSR was signed in Moscow.
In September of 1939, both the Wehrmacht and the Red Army committed many crimes against prisoners of war and civilians. The murder, torture and deportation of Poles were constant elements of the occupation policy of both totalitarian states. In 1940, the Russians brutally murdered at least 22 thousand Polish officers, policemen, teachers, politicians and other members of the nation’s elite who had been captured. Some of those murdered on the basis of Stalin’s decision of March 5, 1940, were found in 1943 in the Katyn forest. A significant number of those murdered were of Jewish nationality. It wasn’t until 1993 that Russian President Boris Yeltsin apologized for this crime.
At the same time, the “AB-Aktion” was being carried out on German-occupied Poland, which also aimed to liquidate the Polish leadership.
During World War II, Poles created the largest resistance movement in the world, the Home Army, which numbered up to 400,000 members in its best time. In other German-occupied countries, SS troops collaborating with Germany were established. But not in Poland! There also wasn’t any collaboration between Poland’s government and Germany. The Israeli War Crimes Commission estimates that less than 0.1% of ethnic Poles collaborated with Germany during World War II.
Nazi Germany began the liquidation of the Jewish people in occupied Poland. Despite the fact that Poland was the only country in which the death penalty for helping Jews was imposed by the Germans, it was here that Ĺ»EGOTA, the only secret organization in the world aiding Jews, was created by the Polish underground state. Poles saved more Jews than any other nation in the world. We saved between 100-150 thousand Jews. Furthermore, 1 million Poles were involved in helping Jews. Among those who have been awarded the medal “Righteous Among the Nations”, Poles are the most numerous.
During World War II, the Germans killed about 6 million Poles, including 3 million Jews, who were Polish citizens. About 20% of the Polish population was killed. Germans killed over 90% of Polish Jews. Overall, Poland suffered the largest human and material losses in World War II.
As for Russia’s crimes against the Polish nation, between 1939-52, 1.8 million Polish citizens fell victim to Joseph Stalin’s communist repressions. Most of them were deported somewhere in the Soviet Union, of which 150 thousand lost their lives.
After World War II, Poland was under Russian occupation. The Russian army left Poland only in 1993.
To this day, we have not received due war reparations, either from Germany or Russia.
Arthur Bliss Lane, the first U.S. ambassador to Communist Poland, was an eyewitness to the deceitful and totalitarian nature of the Russian occupation of Poland. He concludes his recollections of his mission to Warsaw with the following words: „The responsibility of preventing a Communist seizure of Italy, France or any other country, and of restoring freedom to Poland and to other nations, rests on the people of the United States and of all other democracies.”Â
Poles constitute the largest group among those awarded with the Righteous among the Nations medal despite the fact that Poland was the only WWII country in which helping Jews was punished with a death penalty.
A reportage about a Polish family awarded by the Israeli Yad Vashem Institute with the Righteous Among the Nations medal for saving Jews during WWII. The main character of the movie is Marianna Jarosz-Krasnodębska, a brave woman from Piaski near Lublin, Poland. Before the war the town of Piaski used to be a place of peaceful coexistence of Poles and Jews. After the war broke out, Germans gave the Jews in Piaski hell on earth. In those terrible times Poles would risk their lives to save their Jewish neighbours. It’s an extraordinary story as it’s told by an eyewitness. Mrs Marianna Jarosz-Krasnodębska and her family helped Jews throughout the war and their home was often a refuge for Jews hiding from Germans.
”What Righteous Among the Nations did has been immortalized in the annals of both Jewish and world’s history” Israeli President Reuwen Riwlin at a meeting with the Polish Righteous ones in Jerusalem in 2019.
Fabulous success of the film “Genesis: Paradise Lost” in the Polish language version prepared by the Against the Tide TV studio: we sold over 1000 DVDs within a month! A number of screening of this movie, including those in theaters, took place in rooms filled to their maximum capacity. We have received information that even catholic priests let children see the film “Genesis” behind the hierarchs’ backs. [During a Christmas program on the largest TV station in Poland a Catholic archbishop stated that “the creation had awaited Jesus 4.5 billion years (sic!).”] We received wonderful New Year greetings from the movie’s coproducer, Eric Hovind.
In December, we had two distinguished guests on our TV, former advisors to President Donald Trump: Stephen Yates and General Robert Spalding, who promoted the Polish edition of his book “Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept” (in December, we sold over 100 copies of the book). We are strongly recommending viewing these materials dealing with the topic of Chinese threat.
A delegation from the Against the Tide TV participated in a rally, “Free Hong Kong,” organized in Warsaw by young Hongkongers.
In the beginning of December, we hosted the 7th American Evening celebrating Thanksgiving Day. During the meeting we mentioned that the first Poles arrived in the territory of the future United States of America in 1609. When faced with exclusion from participating in elections to the government of the colony they staged a strike (they laid the foundations of the American industry) and soon they were granted equal rights with others. See video report of the American Evening (with English subtitles.
2019 ended with a record number of donations! In December, almost 1200 people supported us and thus we reached the goal we had prayed for: over 1000 donors supported us each month. None of us had expected that it would be possible to bring about such a great and systematic charity in the poor and unaccustomed with Godly Giving Polish nation.
November 11 Movement supports the decision made by President Donald Trump and his administration to eliminate Qasem Soleimani, widely considered in the international community to be a terrorist. At the same time, we would like to remind that Poland and the United States share a historical and civilizational alliance of defending Christian freedom and values. Ever since the American Revolution, Free Poles have always stood alongside Free Americans.
In the current geopolitical situation, we clearly see the rise of a new Empire of Evil: communist China, imperial post-Soviet Russia and militant Islam with Iran at the forefront. The entire Free World, especially the countries of Central and Western Europe, should stand firmly with the United States, the largest Christian republic in the history of humanity, to defend our civilization, freedom and life.
November 11 Movement calls on the President and the Government of Poland to take a clear position as an ally of the US in the ongoing conflict of civilizations, against the new Empire of Evil.
God bless Poland!
God bless America!
God bless the Free World!
Michał Fałek, President of the November 11 Movement
atty. Andrzej Turczyn, Vice President of the November 11 Movement
Pastor Paweł Chojecki, Vice President of the November 11 Movement
In last days, Russia led by the colonel of Soviet secret service, Vladimir Putin, accused Poland and Western countries of unleashing World War II, prompting us to once again raise the discussion on war reparation.
Russia bred Hitler’s regime by supplying raw materials and training grounds for the German army. Along with Hitler, they invaded Poland on September 17, 1939, and started the occupation of our territory. The number of Polish victims of Russian communism exceeds half a million. Added to this are significant material and moral losses.
We are calling on President Donald Trump to support Poland in the efforts for obtaining just compensation from Russia which is the successor of Soviet Russia, for the communist crimes committed against Poles and Poland.
We spoke with Ms. Rahav Shalom-Revivo – Fintech and Cyber Innovations Manager in Israel’s Ministry of Finance, during the 2019 CyberSec in Katowice, Poland about Israel’s MoF unique activities, that help protect and support the financial eco-system. Their cooperation with startups , protecting and advancing innovation, by sharing and supporting information exchange. Ms. Shalom-Revivo also tells us about the Polish Israeli cooperation and growing relationships both in Financial sector and beyond.
On Sunday, December 8, unidentified vandals carried out an attack on the car of pastor Radosław Kopeć from the New Covenant Church of Lublin. The pastor’s car was parked in front of the church building. After the church gathering, about 4 PM, pastor Kopeć informed the police about the attack on his car. The act of vandalism was motivated by religious reasons. The hood of the car carried a phrase, “F**k cults,” engraved with a sharp tool and an offensive image of a penis drawn. Moreover, the vandals scratched a whole side of the car. The police refused to arrive at the scene and failed to collect evidence. Instead, they requested that we come to a police station.
This was not the first attack on the New Covenant Church in Lublin. Several times in the past, members of the church and journalists of the Against the Tide TV (belonging to the New Covenant Church) had their cars vandalized: slashed tires, unscrewed wheels, and broken windows. The entrance of the church building has been vandalized and covered with feces, offensive tracts have been posted, etc. On the Internet, numerous threats have been aimed at pastors and members of the church, including: assault, rape, and death threats. The police and the prosecutor’s office are slow to respond to such acts of religious hatred, and most often, they simply withhold action. Most cases still remain unsolved and perpetrators not punished.
The latest attack took place just a few weeks after the mainstream media started a hatred and smear campaign against the New Covenant Church of Lublin. A public Polish Television (TVP Info) played a particular role in this by calling the New Covenant Church of Lublin a “mysterious cult,” and quoting lie-ridden statements by senator Jacek Bury (formerly “Nowoczesna” – “Modern”, currently “Koalicja Obywatelska” – “Citizens’ Coalition” party).
The hood of the car carried a phrase, “F**k cults,” engraved with a sharp tool and an offensive image of a penis drawn.
We are calling on honest journalists to get involved in the matter and break the spiral of hatred against Polish Biblical Christians.
On November 11, Poles celebrated Independence Day (the 101st anniversary of regaining independence in 1918 – in the aftermath of WWI). On this occasion, we had a Independence Ball in Lublin. Over 200 people came! Greetings to the Polish people from the United States by Arthur Thompson and Alex Newman of the John Birch Society, from Taiwan by Hanna Shen, and from Israel by Andreas Stutz of the Israel College of the Bible added splendor to our Independence Ball.
See a video report (with English subtitles):
The “Biblical University of Lublin” project has advanced to another important stage. God made it possible for us to purchase a piece of real estate that matches our needs very well. It consists of two buildings – one with office space of about 3200 sq. ft. and the other, a 6500 sq. ft. conference center. Thanks to this we will be able to build two television studios, one radio studio, a theater stage, and a conference room for 250 people. Additionally, the property includes a piece of land, which will allow us to organize outdoor events, especially during the spring and summer months.
We recommend the English version of our video-clip on Biblical University of Lublin.
We had an opportunity to interview Eric Hovind. Also, the first few screenings of the film, Genesis: Paradise Lost, with Polish dubbing have already taken place in a number of cities in Poland.
Poland is another country where the film Unplanned was a cinematic success. It moved us deeply. We devoted a few shows to this topic. Especially noteworthy are our interviews with Abby Johnson, the main character in the story, and producer Sheila Hart.
I’m writing to you about a Christian University, creation of which is necessary for effective and lasting evangelization of Poland. Such a great task exceeds abilities of one congregation or denomination. Wise and harmonious commitment of all Polish Christians is necessary. Though only make up a small portion of the society, well organized and backed by the power of Jesus Christ we will certainly be able to achieve this goal.
The dream of a Christian university in Poland existed as early as the 16th century, in the minds of the first generation of Christians of the Polish Reformation. Unfortunately, they were only able to establish a Christian high school, and John Ă Lasco, the main proponent of a Protestant university, did not have any worthy successors. Today, a number of Biblical schools function in Poland, but we do not have a Protestant higher education institution training students in all areas. If we want to spread the gospel in the entire nation and change our country into a Christian republic, we urgently need such a university. If we fail to establish it, our children and grandchildren will need to seek Christian education abroad, but many will be unable to afford it, or they will have to study at Polish secularized universities.
Studying at such universities may lead many to losing their faith. Moreover, the knowledge and standards acquired at those universities would be far from what the Bible presents to us.
Why is Against the Tide taking upon itself the task of creating the first Christian university in Poland’s history? We have been involved in educating Christians for almost 30 years and for the past 10 years we have been working on building a Christian TV in Poland. God has blessed us enormously. In February of 2016, with just a handful of believers we launched our project of broadcasting live daily socio-political commentaries, in which we connect events taking place in Poland and the rest of the world with Biblical truths and prophecies.
We had a phenomenal response which continues to surprise us everyday! Already during the first year of broadcasting, over 2000 people requested copies of the New Testament! Many have turned to Jesus and asked to be baptized. Also, a few dozens of baptisms took place in Great Britain, the United States, and Canada. The vast majority of people who came to us were unbelievers, rather than Christians from existing congregations. We have organized them into Bible groups and daughter-churches, where hundreds of people throughout Poland and abroad gather each week.
Our plans in the near future include: establishing a Christian high school, Bible school, and – on this foundation – a Christian university. Already in 2019, our Bible School started a pilot course titled “Church History”. God has given us an incredible financial blessing. We do not take any public funds or donations from Western churches, yet over 1000 people each month donate in excess of 80,000 PLN for the operation of the Against the Tide TV.
In August, we announced the beginning of a fundraiser to fund the university. In response, we received over 110,000 PLN. Praise God!
I am not writing about this to boast or elevate myself, but to show tangible evidence of God’s actions and blessings. In the past, Polish Christians made many mistakes and missed wonderful God-given opportunities.
In the 16th century, having all the trump cards, including the majority in the Sejm (parliament), they allowed themselves to be conquered by their foolishness, sin, and the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
Today, we are faced with a question whether we will manage to draw conclusions from the failures of the Reformation in Poland. Other nations succeeded in overcoming the problems and laid lasting foundations for evangelization and Christian organization of the state. In our times too, similar projects succeeded in other places around the world. One such example is the largest Christian University in the world, Liberty University, that was built within one generation. American Christians recognized God’s action in the ministry of Pastor Jerry Falwell, and joined his project. In 1971, they started with only 154 students and provisional buildings.
Today, over 110,000 Christians are enrolled at this university, whose guest speakers include the President and the Vice President of the United States of America.
How can you get involved in this CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY project?
1.Pray for us on a regular basis so that we will not lose track of God’s will and give into temptations or intimidations. 2. Inform others about what we do and encourage them to participate in it. 3. Support the university financially. (Kod BIC (Swift): ALBPPLPW IBAN: PL 18 2490 0005 0000 4600 2027 1550) 4. If you are talented or have scholarly background in an area that could be useful in creating the university, and God put it in your heart, contact us at [email protected]
This project is intended for the entire Body of Christ in Poland; therefore, all of its members are needed. You, too, can play a role in this historical enterprise. So help us God!
Best regards, Pastor Paweł Chojecki New Covenant Church of Lublin Against the Tide TV