We spoke with Ms. Rahav Shalom-Revivo – Fintech and Cyber Innovations Manager in Israel’s Ministry of Finance, during the 2019 CyberSec in Katowice, Poland about Israel’s MoF unique activities, that help protect and support the financial eco-system. Their cooperation with startups , protecting and advancing innovation, by sharing and supporting information exchange. Ms. Shalom-Revivo also tells us about the Polish Israeli cooperation and growing relationships both in Financial sector and beyond.

https://cybersecforum.eu/en/speakers/rahav-shalom-revivo/ https://www.gov.il/en/departments/general/cyber_center_and_financial_continuity https://mof.gov.il/en/About/Units/CyberEmergenciesSafetyDraft/Pages/Cyber-Fintech.aspx