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Jonny Daniels: It would be hard to top President Trump in Israeli-US relationships

– It will be very hard to top President Trump. In terms of his way of dealing with Israel, it was amazing! We had a remarkable friend in the White House for four years – says Johnny Daniels, founder of From the Depths foundation in an interview with Eunika Chojecka for Against the Tide TV.

President Trump “really pushed forward even with peace in a way we’ve never seen before, in terms of dealing with the Arab countries with a strong hand”, says Daniels. “Something that was unique, different, and not very diplomatic. And I think this really helped President Trump kind of shake up the whole balance of dealing with the Middle East.”

“It’s going to be very very different to what we saw with President Trump. It’s a completely different world”, says Daniels with regards to a potential incoming Biden administration. “It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out in the Middle East, how it plays out with Iran and internally in the USA. Well, we have a very interesting year ahead of us, that’s for sure.”

Daniels is not worried about the future US-Israeli relationships and is optimistic. “The relationships will be different and they always are different when you have a different president. (…) Biden has been out to Israel many many times. The Israeli leadership knows him and is close with him and with the people around him. His pick for people in key positions that are connected to that issue, seems like the kind of people that we know and have dealt and worked with”, says Daniels.

Fresh Matrix unplugged Trump hater turned Trump supporter.

– I’ve recently walked away and went from Trump hater to a Trump supporter, says Tara Szczepanski a Polish-Filippino American, Host of Polish American Brotherhood, in an interview with Eunika Chojecka for Against the Tide TV.

“I’ve never even asked my father (a recent #WALKAWAY as well, who voted for Hilary in 2016) why he was a Trump supporter and was very dismissive of his views.” Tara realized her political views created a barrier with her father, family, and friends. “This signaled to me something was wrong. You need to be able to talk to important people such as your father, your family, and friends to understand their views.”

Tara’s father Marian Szczepańskis, fled socialism and communism in Poland and came to America back in the 80’s. He used to believe and vote for Democrats. He even voted for Hilary in 2016 but when Trump became president, he decided to #Walkaway. “Trump promised and he delivered the promises, so I’m a supporter of what he is doing.”

When BLM and Antifa vandalized the Kosciuszko monument, it very saddened Tara’s father “We felt this was an attack on Polish heritage”, said Tara.

“People do not know the history of this man. He was a Polish American revolutionary war hero. That’s how I knew that the BLM movement was a sham because this is a man who fought for the freedoms of all Americans. And also upon his death, his state went on to free the slaves. So to vandalize a statue of a man that means this, you notice that the organization Black Lives Matter is not being true to the statement of Black lives matter”, Tara explains.

Tara received a massive backlash following a post she published on Facebook, criticizing BLM. “In my defense, I called it (BLM) as I saw it, as a domestic terrorist organization. Because any organization that is terrorizing citizens and burning down our cities, and causing such damage both to the human body and property — which is anti-American — is going to be a sham of a movement. And so I received a lot of backlash from having this view and simply posting it online.”

The post has launched Tara’s search for the truth, which eventually changed her views on President Trump. “And that’s what has launched me down my own independent research. I realized that Trump is an amazing president, that has done so much for America and for the world. And that the news media doesn’t cover it as it is.”

cooperation: Hanna Shen, Ivan Belostenko

Trump lost to Biden who barely campaigned and wanted to raise taxes? Inconceivable! – Advisory Board, Polish Americans for Trump

– Something is drastically wrong, it seems inconceivable that President Trump, who drew phenomenal rallies with unprecedented enthusiasm throughout the USA, lost to a guy who barely campaigned, wants to raise taxes, and promotes ideas most Americans do not agree with. – says Ewa Neterowicz, advisory board member of the Polish American Coalition for President Trump, in an interview with Eunika Chojecka for Against the Tide TV.

„72 mil people voted for President Trump. The large number of mail-in votes increased the chances of fraud”, says Neterowicz. President Trump’s rallies in the USA drew phenomenal crowds. “Some were as high as 50 thousand people per rally. The traffic on the highways was backed up for miles, some people were sleeping in their cars the night before the rallies. The enthusiasm for this President was unprecedented.”

President Trump produced results quickly says Neterowicz „Iran, North Korea, he defeated ISIS, he canceled horrible trade deals. When CoronaVirus was released from China he instantly closed the borders and started the greatest national mobilization since WWII. He has always put America first and he came across as a no-nonsense results-oriented president.

Now it is very strange because Joe Biden has barely campaigned. He sat in his basement was seen talking to small crowds in drive-in parking lots, with a couple of hundred people sitting in their cars.

And during the democratic debates, Biden consistently showed that he’s taking positions of the far left. Gun control, green new deal nonsense, open borders, raising taxes, climate change. He supported so-called peaceful protesters who destroyed businesses and killed police officers. This does not reflect the views of most Americans.

And then of course he chose as his VP the most extreme member of the US Senate, who is a radical left-wing draconian prosecutor from California. All of these things cause suspicion on this election and it seems to me almost inconceivable that Trump lost.

The elections are not over, still good chances Trump will win.

– There should not be any doubt that the elections have been stolen. To people who were paying close attention, it is very obvious now that this was a rigged election. It was by no means settled the results have not been certified. – says Alex Newman, Founder of Liberty Sentinel and New American Magazine Senior Editor in an interview with Eunika Chojecka for Against the Tide TV

“The fraud was so enormous so massive it was so obvious, that I don’t think they are going to be able to get away with it. Not this time.”

“Evidence is coming out on a massive scale. Under our constitutional system of government, we don’t know who the president-elect will be until after the electoral college meets and those votes are counted”, said Alex Newman.

BLOOD-BOILING! Chinese mainland scholar mocks innocent people murdered by the #ChineseVirus.

Li Yi talks about U.S.-China relationship at Shenzhenwan Dialog Forum in Shenzhen, southern China’s Guangdong Province on Oct. 16, 2020. (Screenshot/YouTube)

– America cannot survive. We are pushing America out of existence. We got 4000 people dead, USA got 220,000. – Yi Li, Chinese mainland academic brags about China and CCP’s success in spreading the Covid-19 pandemic across the West. Laughing at the hundreds of thousands of innocent people murdered by their virus. #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #Covid19Reparations

“There are still so many people wearing masks here (in China)”, said the scholar congratulating the attendees for taking precautions to avoid infection as he mocks the people in the West, during the U.S.-China relationship at Shenzhenwan Dialog Forum in Shenzhen, southern China’s Guangdong Province on Oct. 16, 2020

“Take a look at this venue (here), so many people are still wearing masks. I just came back from America last month and was so surprised to find so many people still wearing masks. In America, we are still enjoying life regardless of the causalities.

Yi Li holds an M.A. in Sociology from the University of Missouri MU, and a Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Illinois, UIC, USA. And has written few books in English univpress.com/ISBN/0761833315

Yi Li was deported from Taiwan on April 2019, after it became known to the authorities that Li was planning to give a speech, calling for a merger of Taiwan with mainland China.

BLM and Antifa attack children of black Republican woman at #TrumpRally

– It was really scary. Really chaotic. My children were screaming. This was one of the most horrifying things my children had to see. A mob of grown adults wearing BLM t-shirts and masks over their faces, screaming racial obscenities while charging at a mixed racial family coming from a peaceful rally. – recalls Rayla Campbell a Republican Candidate for Congress MA-7, in an interview with Eunika Chojecka for Against the Tide TV.

Campbell says BLM does not fight for African American rights in the USA. “That is 100% false. BLM has a Marxist root. They attack black people. They destroy the African-American communities. They are responsible for all of the vandalism and the riots that happened this summer”, says Campbell. “They are anti God, anti family, anti religion. They are trained Marxist, they’ve gone out there and said it. (…) They should be labeled as a domestic terrorist group.”

Campbell explains that she went into politics because “I saw what was happening in my community, schools, what my children were being taught and what was going on around the country. And this wasn’t the country that I was born and raised in. A country that I grew up loving, respecting and honoring”, says Campbell. “So I made the decision that I’m going to go and fight for my country.”

Campbell doesn’t accept the mainstream media and big tech narrative that President Trump lost and thinks it’s possible that the results will change in favor of President Trump. “I do believe that it is possible; the elections haven’t been called yet.” said Campbell “If we follow the law and constitution rights, Donald Trump will be the president.”

Campbell went to over a hundred rallies this summer alone, for President Trump and said “it was huge, there were Trump signs everywhere. I didn’t see any Biden signs anywhere”, she recalls. “He (Biden) stayed in his basement” and hardly campaigned, according to Campbell.

Joe Biden is responsible for the 1994 crime bill, Campbell reminded the viewers. “Many African Americans were put in jail for petty crimes. (…) He doesn’t even care about African Americans. There have been so many racial things that have come out of his mouth. He did the eulogy of one of the KKK founding members” says Campbell. “So, he is a white supremacist and is trying to portray Trump Supporters, myself, as white supremacists.”

Campbell also highlighted that it was President Trump who really supported the African American community, with a record low level of unemployment and various program to lift them out of poverty, according to Campbell.

cooperation: Ivan Belostenko, Marek Dybacki

Donald Trump’s chances of winning #Elections2020 – Roger L. Simon, Epoch Times

– Did the Democrats win these elections? „I have to be quite honest, I don’t know. Chances are they did but there is a decent enough chance they didn’t. In the end, democracy depends on honest elections and we need to make sure we have them.” – Roger L. Simon, American novelist, academy nominee screenwriter, and Senior Political Analyst in Epoch Times, in an interview with Eunika Chojecka, Against the Tide TV. 

Google, Facebook, and Twitter “have control over what we learn and what we think and that’s really scary, that’s what I call digital fascism”, says Simon. “Go to more than just one outlet (…) use your brain, select the information carefully.”

“The corporations that run the mainstream media are so powerful, that they dominate the minds of the public. (…) The media is at war with each other in the US, this has never been truer in my lifetime”, he adds. “It’s getting to be the most significant battle, the battle for the information.”


Identity politics always dictated that if you are Jewish you should vote for Democrats. „For almost my entire life the Jewish vote in America have been, I would say, 75% Democrats. In a kind of automatic matter that the Black vote was (Democratic)” says Simon. “In fact, this is the opposite of what a democracy would be because it’s sort of a back door version of a one-party rule,” he adds „I might as well be in Moscow in 1956”.

„This is now starting to break up. Even though Trump looks like he is losing these elections, he might be losing them, at the same time one thing occurred which is very interesting. These voting blocks like Jews, Blacks, and Latinos started to swing a little bit to the republican side.”

It is hard to calculate but Simon evaluates that President Trump’s legal team has “probably closer to 20%” chances of success, in proving voter fraud in courts and winning this election. “There are lots of states that are at play” and although the USA’s voting system, designed by James Madison and our founding fathers, is very good in preventing the tyranny of the majority for a large country like the USA, it also creates a lot of problems because there are 50 states to deal with, according to Simon.

cooperations: Eunika Chojecka, Hanna Shen, Ivan Belostenko