We’ve got it! Against the Tide TV has collected 100,000 signatures on a petition to President Donald Trump, calling for compensation from communist China for spreading the coronavirus. Now the petition will go to the US President’s desk. The President has 60 days to respond to the petition.

On March 16th, together with our correspondent in Taiwan, Hanna Shen, we started a petition on the White House website, with only 30 days to collect the minimum required 100,000 signatures. However, thank God – it was done a week before the required date! Here is the content of the petition:

Petition to President Donald Trump to hold China’s government accountable for the coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world because of denial and deceit on the side of the communist government of China.

From the very beginning, the Communist Party of China has been lying about the disease, lowering the numbers and locking up doctors who spoke about the outbreak. After two months, CCP admitted to having a problem, yet refused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s offers of help. Moreover, China is taking action against those who call it the Wuhan virus and is blaming the USA for the virus.

The US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien was right saying that China’s cover-up of the virus “cost the world community two months”.

China’s communist government must be held accountable for the cover-up of the outbreak and for impending global recession.

November 11 Movement

Against the Tide TV”

Even when the required number of signatures is achieved, you can still sign the petition, and we warmly encourage you to do so. Let’s show the strength of the grassroots initiative of free people who, in the face of an attack from communist China, take matters into their own hands.

Polish media remained silent. The free world helped

We informed all of Polish media about the petition, but only the websites of Super Express and Tygodnik Solidarność mentioned the campaign. Other media remained silent on the initiative of Against the Tide TV and November 11 Movement.

However, support came from all over the Free World. Eric Trump, son of President Donald Trump, responded to Against the Tide TV’s letter on Petition, and wrote: “May God protect you against the virus from China.”

HISTORYCZNA CHWILA: Eric Trump, syn Prezydenta USA Donald J. Trump WSPARŁ akcję Telewizji idź Pod Prąd: "Trumpowie są z…

Posted by idź Pod Prąd on Monday, April 6, 2020

All the leading media in Taiwan, television in the USA and Japan, as well as the media in Hong Kong spoke about the Polish petition. The Polish petition was supported by American politicians and lawyers from the USA and India.

Amerykańska telewizja o petycji IPP o reparacje od Chin za KORONAWIRUS!

Amerykańska telewizja NTD wyemitowała materiał o petycji idź Pod Prąd do Donald J. Trump o odszkodowania od komunistycznych Chin za rozprzestrzenienie #koronawirus! PODPISZ PETYCJĘ: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/petition-president-donald-trump-hold-chinas-government-accountable-coronavirus?fbclid=IwAR1aodX1Iqhq8GVnZEPHfdYrVnuPdPMcykod9u9jwE5ghdVc4_KqJKIYy1g #WirusKPCh #CCPvirusFULL: https://youtu.be/MbrhV1Bk6Mk?t=537 China in Focus – NTD NTD News Hania Shen Paweł Chojecki Epoch Times Polska The Epoch Times #IPPTV

Posted by idź Pod Prąd on Sunday, April 5, 2020

USA, Japonia, Tajwan, Hongkong… media na całym świecie mówią o Petycji Telewizji Idź Pod Prąd

USA, Japonia, Tajwan, Hongkong… media na całym świecie mówią o Petycji Telewizji Idź Pod Prąd do Prezydenta Donald J. Trump "Niech Chiny zapłacą odszkodowania za #koronawirus".. a polskie media milczą! Hania Shen Paweł Chojecki #IPPTV #koronawirus Już prawie 100 tys.! https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/petition-president-donald-trump-hold-chinas-government-accountable-coronavirus

Posted by idź Pod Prąd on Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Solomon Yue, CEO and ViceChairman of Republicans Overseas, member of the National Committee of the US Republican Party, supported the petition and wrote about Against the Tide TV:

Also Jack Posobiec, a popular American journalist, supported our petition.

The Against the Tide TV initiative was also supported by former President Trump’s adviser for China, General Robert Spalding, author of the US National Security Strategy.

Jan Jekielek, a journalist of Polish descent, an editor of the Epoch Times based in New York  also positively addressed the petition to President Trump for compensation from the Chinese Communist Party for a global pandemic.

Wygląda na to, że rząd USA pociągnie Chiny do odpowiedzialności za koronawirus!

Naukowcy zbadali, że gdyby Chińczycy zajęli się epidemią 6 tygodni wcześniej, transmisja wirusa poza Chiny zmniejszyłaby się o 95%! Liczby chińskich ofiar są ogromnie zaniżone! Rodzinom w Wuhan, których członkowie zmarli podczas apogeum koronawirusa, JEDNO KREMATORIUM wydało 8 TYSIĘCY URN Z PROCHAMI. To dużo więcej niż oficjalna liczba wszystkich ofiar w Chinach – w wywiadzie dla Telewizji Idź Pod Prąd mówi Jan Jekielek, redaktor „The Epoch Times” z Nowego Yorku#CCPvirus #WirusKPCh

Posted by idź Pod Prąd on Thursday, April 2, 2020

The silence of Polish politicians and editorial staff may be due to the wide influence that unfortunately communist China developed in Poland. An example of that is the expansion of the multilateral – strategic partnership with the PRC – made by President Andrzej Duda. Today, President Duda continues following the talking points of the Chinese Communist Party narrative, thanking its Secretary Xi Jinping for preventing the spread of the pandemic throughout the world, and also promoting the Chinese tool for censorship and surveillance of citizens, the TikTok app. No wonder that Polish media, not wanting to get in Law and Justice government and the President’s bad books, were consistently silent about the Polish petition.

However, this did not prevent free people from succeeding and collecting the required 100,000 signatures a week before the deadline set by the White House. This is how pastor Paweł Chojecki, editor-in-chief of Against the Tide TV, summarized the struggle for signatures: “Our efforts are focused on teamwork: the idea of ​​Hanna Shen, our editorial work, then the work of thousands of viewers of Against the Tide TV, who promoted the petition online. In addition to collecting signatures, we were able to contact and establish cooperation with many like minded people and communities abroad. Once again, Poles could also see God’s blessing over the efforts of Christians who were politically involved. I hope this will be an incentive for many.”