Thanks to Taiwan from Against the Tide TV and November 11 Movement for helping Poland after the Wuhan virus attack
We are extremely grateful to Taiwan that you decided to GIVE Poland medical protective equipment.
Poland and Taiwan have a common history of fighting against communism that dates back to the times of World War II. Free Poles have always admired Taiwanese’s steadfastness in the fight against Chinese communists. We are also happy about the fruits of Taiwan’s great diligence and wisdom. Today, Taiwan is not only one of the largest technological powers in the world, but also the country that best responded to the virus attack of the Chinese Communist Party.
To help support frontline medical staff, Taiwan will donate 10 million surgical masks to countries hardest hit by the #COVID19, including the 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇮🇹🇪🇸🇩🇪🇫🇷🇧🇪🇳🇱🇱🇺🇨🇿🇵🇱🇬🇧🇨🇭& our diplomatic allies.
— 王定宇 Wang Ting-yu MP 🇹🇼 (@MPWangTingyu) April 1, 2020
Today, when you have fought off an attack on your land, you can help the whole Free World. We thank you with all our heart for also choosing Poland and sending us the medical protective equipment, even in this difficult time, when many countries, even our largest ally, the United States, needs help in the form of such equipment.
In times of crisis, countries around the world must come together. #Taiwan is indispensable to global efforts to stop the spread of #COVID19, but no country can stop this virus alone. That is why we are willing to offer medical supplies to countries most in need.
Poland is on the eve of the peak incidence of COVID-19, and our health care and supplies are running low. Free Poles will long remember the helping hand of the Taiwanese people stretched out to us at the time of trial.
We also congratulate the Taiwanese people and government and the President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen for being the first to – wisely and firmly – fight the biological attack of communist China and to be effectively stopping the epidemic up to this day. You are the role model for all free nations of the world.
Pastor Paweł Chojecki, editor-in-chief of Against the Tide TV
Michał Fałek, chairman of the November 11 Movement
Sign Against the Tide TV Petition to President Donald Trump to hold China’s government accountable for the coronavirus
Due to restrictions, damages and losses in the Church’s activities, as well as the suffering and ailments of its members, the New Covenant Church in Lublin, which also runs Against The Tide TV, decided to send a pre-trial letter to the Chinese Communist Party calling for recognition of Chinese communists’ responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic.
An appropriate letter on behalf of the Church was sent by Attorney’s Office of Andrzej Turczyn through the Embassy of the PRC in Warsaw. Here is the full text of the letter calling on the CCP to acknowledge its guilt for the novel coronavirus pandemic:
Two weeks ago, Against The Tide TV also posted a petition on the White House website for US President Donald Trump to hold the Chinese government responsible for the novel coronavirus outbreak. We have already collected almost 70,000 of the 100,000 signatures required. The deadline for collecting signatures is the 15th of April 2020.
PLA colonels, in a document from 1999, talk about the use of viruses as one mean of attacking democratic societies. […] Covid19 goes all the way back to November. […] Chinese Communist Party officials refuse to get the truth out, when we could have stopped the spread of this pandemic. Instead, now we have it all around the world. This fact this is a global pandemic is 100% the responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party, says general Robert Spalding, former China adviser to President Trump and Donald Trump’s former Senior Director for Strategy in an interview for Against the Tide TV.
Eunika Chojecka: General, last year you wrote a book „Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept”. You warned people in America and in the world against communist China’s will to conquer other nations economically, politically and militarily. But did you ever predict that communist China would create a lethal coronavirus and spread it all over the world?
Gen. Robert Spalding: As I was writing my book, I talked about Unrestricted Warfare, a document that was written by two People’s Liberation Army colonels in 1999. In that document, they do talk about the use of viruses as one means of attacking democratic societies. Of course, they talk about using all means, including lethal and nonlethal means to attack stronger opponents to weaken them in order to defeat them. As a communist regime they’re not forthcoming and they are all about control and secrecy, so we really have no idea whether or not this virus was created in a lab or in the wild, whether it was released, if it was created in the lab, whether it was released on purpose or by accident. We don’t know for instance, what the true air quality in Beijing is, because the communist government is afraid of criticism, and therefore doesn’t provide the proper numbers. It is a challenge of a communist regime which is in an open globalized system that it tries to be so nontransparent and controlling and secretive. This is one of the great challenges, one of the reasons that all around the world today people are essentially stuck in their homes hiding from a virus that could have been contained if properly dealt with in China. Certainly, if it was purposely created or purposely released or even accidentally released, then you have to ask yourself: why do we do business and associate with such a horrific regime?
EC: There is a new narrative about the origin of the virus. It is said in Poland that the USA created the virus and infected Chinese people in Wuhan and that there was an event in which American soldiers took part in Wuhan. How would you respond to this theory?
RS: It’s actually quite funny. Anybody who has lived in China knows how big the People’s Armed Police and the ministry of state security are, with all the cameras they have everywhere. They released the BBC reporter in Beijing and found him in 9 minutes just using their artificially intelligent cameras. It is true that they have extremely strict border security. As a defense attache in Beijing in 2017, all of the people that work for me were heavily scrutinized at all times, always had somebody following them. So the idea that somehow US Army would be in China doing anything is absolutely ridiculous. The Chinese Communist Party knows this. Anybody who has lived in a communist country, particularly one that has advanced surveillance technology like the Chinese Communist Party does, would know how ridiculous their statement that this came from the US Army is. It clearly came from somewhere in Wuhan, China. That’s where it originated. Everybody knows it. It’s not a secret. That’s where the epicenter of most of the infections and deaths is. If any of the numbers from China are to be believed… I think the Chinese Communist party has zero credibility when they say it was created by the US and released by the US Army in Wuhan.
EC: Polish people say that it is impossible for the Chinese to create and spread this virus because the first people who were killed by the coronavirus where Chinese. And Chinese government would not kill their people.
RS: That’s pretty funny, it’s really ridiculous on its face because Mao Zedong himself killed at least 40 million Chinese people, all for political purposes, for his own political control over the Chinese Communist Party. It really had nothing to do with anything but the cult of Mao Zedong, so the idea that Chinese Communist Party officials could kill for political purposes has already been done to tens of millions of people.
EC: Let’s move to Poland. Polish President Andrzej Duda praised Xi Jinping, quote, “for quick and decisive reaction which no doubt prevented the further uncontrolled development of the epidemic and thus saved many lives both in the People’s Republic of China and in other countries”. Should EU leaders praise Xi for his actions in regards to the pandemic?
RS: That almost reminds me of a statement made in former Soviet times when somebody was praising the Soviet Union and the truthfulness of the Soviet Union. It’s absolutely ridiculous. The Chinese Communist party was not truthful. They have not been truthful. They really delayed allowing WHO officials in. They control almost completely the narrative that comes out of the WHO. They haven’t allowed CDC representatives to be inside China to understand where the origin of this virus is. The Chinese Communist Party deserves no praise, unless of course you want to praise them in the same manner that satellite states were forced to praise the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
EC: How can Polish economy defend itself against the fall caused by the coronavirus?
RS: I think the good point that comes out of this tragedy is that we all realize now that our supply chains being dependent on the Chinese Communist Party is incredibly dangerous for our democracy and for our society, for our economies, for the health and welfare of our people. The fact that all of our medicines and N95 masks all come from China… You’re going to see in the United States and in probably, hopefully, countries like Poland, the return of the supply chain to the countries where the products are used. The United States should be, in the near future, investing in manufacturing and infrastructure, STEAM education, research and development. I would hope that Poland and other democracies in Europe and around the world would be doing the same thing.
EC: Today, our TV together with our Taiwanese correspondent Hanna Shen, started a petition to President Donald Trump to hold the Chinese government accountable for the coronavirus. It is on the White House website. You can sign it. We have 30 days to gain 100,000 signatures. Why should China be held accountable for the pandemic?
RS: It’s clear that the outcome of the virus is in the initial stage. The first known case, I believe, goes all the way back to November of last year. Of course, we didn’t hear about it till late January of this year because Chinese Communist Party officials refuse to get the truth out, when we could have stopped the spread of this pandemic. Instead, now we have it all around the world. The reason this is a global pandemic is 100% the responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party. No doubt about it.
EC: What does America do to prevent spreading the coronavirus?
RS: What we all must do… Because the Chinese Communist Party delayed the response to this, people around the world have to do social distancing and minimize contact for a number of weeks, so that we don’t allow for the spread of the virus, so that our medical professionals will be able to handle it as it spreads. We want to slow the spread and, hopefully, give time for the medical profession to be able to deal with any cases, but also to work on a on a vaccination, which hopefully will be soon forthcoming.
EC: How do you view the actions of WHO? The organization seems to be totally controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
RS: I think it’s clear and everybody understands that the WHO has been influenced by the Chinese Communist Party. It is really a testament to how the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated not only global institutions like the UN and World Bank, but also domestic politicians in corporations all around the world, using their influence with economics, money and market pull for the Chinese people. This is something that gives us an opportunity to reflect on the danger of bringing totalitarian regimes into the midst of democracies, regimes that don’t believe in freedom and democratic principles, human rights and civil liberties and free trade. All the things that essentially we were determined to fight for during the Cold War have been reversed because we brought such a such a totalitarian regime into the democratic mix. We need to now, once more, go back and focus on our principles, on democracy, on freedom, on human rights and civil liberties and free trade, and work together as democracies to put pressure on totalitarian regimes to essentially stop the spread of their influence.
EC: Thank you so much for this interview. We do recommend to your book “Stealth War”.
– China caused this problem for the world, for the citizens of United States and they should pay for what they’ve done.” Jeremy Alters – Chief Strategist in The Berman Law Group in an exclusive interview for Against the Tide (Idź Pod Prąd) TV about Corona #ChineseVirus #Covid19.
We’ve asked Jeremy about their chances of success and why Berman Law Group have decided to sue the Chinese Communist Party.
“Make no mistakes about it, this will be strenuous hard fought legal battle, that China would have to appear and be responsible for it. If they refuse to take responsibility to pay for what they’ve done, this is the purpose of US courts. That’s the purpose of our ability to bring this into US courts and we will do that to the fullest extent of the law.”
The Berman group have both evidence and information proving that the CCP of China knew about the virus and it’s dangers. Yet for their political and financial gains, decided to cover and obfuscate the information from the rest of the world. When asked why the firm has decided to file the lawsuit Jeremy said:
“We believe very strongly that China could have prevented the spread of this disease long before it got out of Wuhan China.”
We believe that they knowingly didn’t do that and covered up the information that would have protected USA, Poland and many other nations from the spread of this virus.”
“We know that China knew about this at the time and delayed at least 17 days before telling the WHO about the problem. Seventeen days is an eternity for this virus as we now know. … Had they disclosed the information they knew rather than try to cover it up for their own self interest, I don’t think the world would be in a condition it is in right now.”
Recently China decided to try and shift the blame for the pandemic on USA, claiming that the US military was the one that brought the virus to China. According to Jeremy and the Berman Group this is typical Chinese propaganda.
“That was part of the reason we filled this law suit. … Nothing can be farther away from the truth. That’s Chinese government trolls and propaganda, that is part of what they do. They try to blame US for everything bad in the world, when often times it’s their fault. I expect their propaganda to continue. We will ignore it and we will defeat it.”
Jeremy explained why other law firms around the world should follow in their footsteps:
“How else would the people of each country recover from the losses they have sustained, without filling these kinds of lawsuits against China. We can’t rely on government to government relationships.”
Our television has launched a petition to president Donald Trump to obtain reparations from Peoples Republic of China and the CCP. Like Gen. Spalding in our recent interview, Jeremy has also encouraged everyone to sign the petition, to maximize the pressure on the current administration in USA and the government of China, to hold them accountable for their actions.
“I’m all for pressure. Anything that brings to bear pressure to make countries, people, individuals accountable. China needs to be held accountable and if your petition can apply pressure from citizens around the globe to hold China accountable, I think it’s a great idea. China is a supper power they are one of the wealthiest countries in the world. There is no reason why they should not be held responsible. I would encourage everyone to sign the petition.”
Full interview [ENG/PL] subtitles:
Dubbed version:
The coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world because of denial and deceit on the side of the communist government of China.
From the very beginning, the Communist Party of China has been lying about the disease, lowering the numbers and locking up doctors who spoke about the outbreak. After two months, CCP admitted to having a problem, yet refused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s offers of help. Moreover, China is taking action against those who call it the Wuhan virus and is blaming the USA for the virus.
The US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien was right saying that China’s cover-up of the virus “cost the world community two months”.
China’s communist government must be held accountable for the cover-up of the outbreak and for impending global recession.
Ryan Helfenbein, Executive Director of the Falkirk Center for Faith & Liberty and the Vice President of Communications and Public Engagement at Liberty University, the largest Christian university in the world, appeared on our TV!
In our Against the Tide show, we criticized the passive attitude of the government towards the danger of the coronavirus developing into an epidemic. This compelled one of the ministers of the government to address our objections on the Polish Radio. In the aftermath of our call for Poles to get prepared and stock up, the topic was picked up by other media outlets. So far, Poland exhibits a lot of carelessness in terms of the popular awareness of the COVID-19-related issues.
We launched the campaign #PolesForTrump2020 to show the Poles’ support for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Our delegation reached Chicago, where a screening of the film “Genesis: Paradise Lost” with Polish dubbing is planned for March 7.
Another issue of the Go Against the Tide magazine is available, which in its large part is a translation of an issue of The New American weekly published by the John Birch Society, featuring an analysis of socialism. Our magazine issue also contains a very extensive section devoted to the anniversary of halting the German atrocities at Auschwitz.
We received acknowledgements from the president of Taiwan, Tsai Weng, for the support by foreign friends, such as Pastor Paweł Chojecki and the Against the Tide TV. Over a year ago we publicized the campaign #SayYesToTaiwan, which received a lot of attention particularly in Taiwan.
We had an interview with Ariel Hyde of the Tree of Life ministry, an organization of Messianic Jews in Israel. The conversation mainly focused on the construction of the Third Temple. A street survey they conducted has been translated to Polish and viewed on our channel by over 150,000 people.
We were able to have an interview with Guus Berkhout, president of Climate Intelligence Foundation, an organization that recently has issued a letter to the Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres, and signed by over 800 scientists, which says that there is no global warming.
We have postponed the move to our new location until March. We are very encouraged by people from Poland and abroad, who come to help us. Not all of them are members of our Bible groups; some belong to other churches.
January was marked by an escalation of the conflict with Russia concerning history. Russia accused Poland of contributing to the outbreak of World War II alongside Hitler. In reality, it was Russia together with Hitler, who invaded Poland in 1939 (Hitler on September 1 and Stalin on September 17). The second topic was the 75th anniversary of the end of extermination of Jews, Poles and other nations carried out by Germans at the Auschwitz camp. The Against the Tide TV played a significant role in both these events. In response to Putin’s lies we initiated a discussion on reparations for Poland due to Russian occupation. Polish media and politicians picked up the topic. Jarosław Kaczyński, president of the ruling party, and Paweł Jabłoński, vice-minister of foreign affairs, commented on that. Russia has suspended further attacks.
Concerning the area of Polish-Israeli relations, a five-member delegation of our editorial team was present at the two-day-long ceremonies in Auschwitz. They provided live coverage of the event and had a very important interview with Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, former director of the Yad Vashem Righteous department. Dr. Paldiel teaches about the Holocaust at Stern College (Yeshiva University) and Queens College in New York City. He presents the centuries-long history of Polish-Jewish relations very thoroughly. It turned out that Dr. Paldiel personally participated in honoring the Jarosz family with the Righteous Among the Nations medal. (Last year we made a documentary film about the Jarosz family.) The interview was conducted in English:
We also created a short documentary in English language titled “Things You Didn’t Know About Polish-Jewish History” that is very popular among the viewers. We are encouraging you to promote this material:
The day after the announcement of the Middle East peace plan (only our TV has prepared a Polish version of the speeches given by President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) the Embassy of Israel in Poland invited the Against the Tide TV to have an interview with the new ambassador, Alexander Ben Zvi. The interview with the ambassador in English:
Very important words were said during the interview. They corrected a communist-disseminated stereotype of Poland being anti-Semitic. Our film, “Righteous Among the Nations. History of the Jarosz Family,” has been added to the inventory of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, POLIN.
On the last day of January, we celebrated the fourth anniversary of the daily broadcast on Against the Tide TV. A half-an-hour-long video presenting a brief summary of our activities in 2019 was too short to contain all our accomplishments and successes. Praise God! Enormous development of our TV and the Against the Tide community could be observed in a short time span. Our correspondent from Taiwan, Hanna Shen, summed it up with these words: “The greatest role of Against the Tide is making Poles aware of how much an individual can change and stimulating them to action!” We started airing vlogs by Polish ladies living abroad: in Canada, Great Britain, Austria, and Taiwan, as well as a technology news service about the advances in control over humans by means of technology.
In January, we launched a new billboard campaign promoting our TV, “Against the Tide – Television for the Brave.” The billboard poster features beautiful graphics by our artist, Andrzej Patalon, depicting charging hussars as in the times of the greatest splendor of our country.
The film “Genesis: Paradise Lost” with Polish dubbing reaches ever-growing circles. Recently, a screening of the film took place in Warsaw; the movie theater seating 120 people was full! Other protestant churches interested in the film have contacted us. Praise God!
The Catholic law organization, Ordo Iuris, published a report titled, “A list of most significant restrictions of academic freedom in Poland”. It gave a description of a case of female students belonging to our church. They were subjected to disciplinary action at their university because they attempted to organize a debate between creationist scholars: Professor Andrew McIntosh of the University of Leeds (School of Chemical and Process Engineering) and Professor Stephen Taylor of the University of Liverpool (Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics), and evolutionist scholars.
van Belostenko and Ambassador Zvi holding a DVD – a movie about the Polish Righteous Among the Nations
– Poland is not an antisemitic country. It is not an anti-zionist country. Period! Simple as that! I can not make it more clear (…) Polish voice should’ve been heard in the 5th Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem – says Ambasssador Alexander Ben Zvi in an interview with Ivan Belostenko for Against the Tide TV.
Ambassador acknowledged that there are incidents of antisemitism in Poland but noted that these are very rare, especially in comparison to other countries in Europe and the rest of the world.
Most public figures will not openly admit they are antisemitic in the traditional sense but feel very comfortable bashing the state of Israel with an anti-Israeli, BDS and other similar narratives. These trendy and popular practices are just as antisemitic as the traditional forms, according to Ambassador Ben-Zvi. “Everybody who says that the Jews do not deserve a country – to be antizionist is exactly that – he is in some way antisemeic. (…) Antisemitism is denying the Jewish people’s right to have their own homeland. That’s antisemitism.”
The BDS movement is nothing new and we have seen it before and during the holocaust times in Europe, according to Ben-Zvi. But Poles always had good relationships with Jews because of the joint Polish-Jewish history and large Jewish presence in Poland. “Jews lived in Poland for more than 1000 years. There is no Polish history without Jewish history and vise versa. Simple as that. It’s all interconnected and you can’t separate it.”
So it’s a shame that Poland’s President Andrzej Duda refused to attend the recent 5th Holocaust forum in Jerusalem because he wasn’t given an opportunity to speak at the event. The forum was organized by a private foundation not the government of Israel, says Ben-Zvi. They have decided on the form and the structure. “Whether it was a good or bad decision is up for a discussion but in my opinion, the Polish voice should have been heard”, he added.