There is no free media without freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the basis of social functioning. Unfortunately, in our country in many cases it is restricted.* Therefore, we have launched a campaign, encouraging Poles to make video clips with their definitions of freedom of speech.

How to join the campaign?

Record a maximum fifteen-second long video, in which you say: “Freedom of speech is for me…” and then say what freedom of speech means to you.

Post it on a story or a roll on Instagram or make a post on Facebook and tag our TV station. The hashtag #SupportPastorChojecki is welcome, as well as a card with the caption:



We’ll continue to pass on your videos on our social media to create a collective definition of freedom of speech.

Let’s show the authorities how important it is for Poles to speak freely. We don’t have to agree with each other. But even if we are divided by our views, what unites us is that we want to have the right to express them freely.

*Violations of freedom of speech are evidenced, for example, by the trial of Pastor Paweł Chojecki, our editor-in-chief, who was indicted by Zbigniew Ziobro’s Prosecutor’s Office for what he said about, among other things, the Catholic Church

You can learn MORE about the trial in the report “Will they lock up Pastor Chojecki? What is the verdict of the appeal?”


#FreedomOfSpeech #freespeech #SupportPastorChojecki #ipptv

Who really is pastor Paweł Chojecki?

FreedomOfSpeech #freespeech #SupportPastorChojecki #ipptv