Missionary Joe Losiak and Pastor Pawel Chojecki are starting a tour of meetings with the American Polish community! The first meeting this Friday, May 26, in Chicago. How has Poland changed? What do we need to evangelize Poland? How to complete the work of “Solidarity”? Come, experience community, get inspired!

Missionary Joe Losiak – the son of Polish immigrants in Chicago, at the age of 14 he understood and accepted the wonderful good news of free salvation in Jesus. He prayed that his parents’ homeland, dominated by Catholicism, would hear the gospel. He did not suspect that God would allow him to play a great role in this. It was thanks to him that the most effective method of evangelization of the 20th century came to Poland. He introduced Cardinal Wojtyla to it, and then Father Blachnicki, whose Oasis movement spread it and used it effectively. He has been coming to Poland every year for many years, because he is still dreaming of Jesus’ revolution in our country. He met Pastor Paul Chojecki for the first time a year ago. They complement each other very well in the work of evangelization, and in a few months they have already managed to complete several projects. The publishing house Against the Tide has just released the book “The Jesus Revolution. Full-on discipleship” by Joe Losiak.
Pastor Pawel Chojecki – pastor of the New Covenant Church in Lublin and founder and editor-in-chief of the TV channel, the monthly magazine “Go Against the Tide” and the publishing house “Against the Tide”. Several years ago he initiated the Megachurch Project, an initiative to evangelize Poland based on four pillars: strong local churches, modern media, Christian university and Christians in politics. In June 2022, together with the rector of the Irpen Bible Seminary, Pastor Dr. Igor Yaremchuk, they established the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin.
There will also be an opportunity to talk with members of the IPP TV editorial board 🙂
May 26, CrossPoint Church
27430 W Nippersink Rd, Ingleside, IL
May 27, Moody Church
1635 N La Salle, Chicago, IL
1:00 pm
May 28, Polish Christian Center
3020 N Austin, Chicago, IL
10:00 am
June 3, Northland Church
522 Dog Track Rd, Longwood, FL
June 4, Live Oaks Community Church
12070 Co Rd 103, Oxford, The Villages, FL
10:00 am
June 4, Grace Community Church
4080 Lakewood Ranch Blvd N, Sarasota, FL
6:00 pm
Want to know more? Write to: [email protected]